Saturday, September 25, 2010

some art work...

ok here's some things i've been working on lately ...(i've actually had a bit of an obsession: i really want to design fabric! so i've really been pouring a lot into developing an idea --but i'm realizing i just can't rush this, primarily cause i don't know enough about the medium yet.) so i've rediscovered spoonflower. i already knew about it, but i didn't think of it as such a resource for learning the medium (one of the only resources for someone like me.) it's a whole new ball o'wax to translate art work into something that's graphically pleasing & repeatable. so i'm starting to take advantage of this "design-your-own-fabric" site. it's a great way to mess around with your ideas to see what works or doesn't. so here's some pieces i did inspired by the "gourds" contest next week (there's a new theme for a contest every week & anyone can go vote -fun!)                     ....& here it is in repeat:       so  i wanted to do some sweet little prints to complement the main piece, so this is bird village, which i'm really happy with how it looks in repeat- more "fabric-y".                       ...& feathers, which i love, but need to work on a little more so it's a smoother repeat .....                   .....& this is a totally different project. it's a banner i painted for the other blog -my side business with my friends.